BREAKING NEWS ABOUT DVRMNHS SSG PRESIDENT KEVIN RAY N. CHUA: Kevin Ray N. Chua endorses the Kabataan Partylist this May 14, 2007 election! Spearheads campaign for lowering the voting age from 18 to 16!
Kevin Ray's Viewpoint
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Call or Text Kevin Ray Chua at 09197108426

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Vote Kabataan for Partylist!
The time has come for the youth to be represented. Finally, Kabataan Party has come for us to let the House of Representatives hear the sentiments of the youth with regards on the issues of the country.

I am encouraging all the first-time voters and the voting public, as a whole, to let the youth's voice be heard. We want to the youth to help shape their future.

With your vote, you can help stop the abuses of the government that makes the youth's future more close to danger. Vote KABATAAN for partylist this May 2007 elections!

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posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua at 4:44:00 PM | aRtIcLe LiNk |