BREAKING NEWS ABOUT DVRMNHS SSG PRESIDENT KEVIN RAY N. CHUA: Kevin Ray N. Chua endorses the Kabataan Partylist this May 14, 2007 election! Spearheads campaign for lowering the voting age from 18 to 16!
Kevin Ray's Viewpoint
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Friday, February 16, 2007
Pacman's run for Congress?
Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao will be running for Congress, and he's ready for it. But it seems that a lot of people around the country and in his district disagree with his initiative.

This boxing superstar has a lot to offer for the country and yet his joining the confusing world of politics. He's no Superman to others. He may be when he wins against his boxing opponents.

He can unite the people through his fight. But, having this ability doesn't mean that he's ready for the position he's gunning to.

I am not saying that he's really not worthy for the position. Anyone can run for the said public office. It's our right by the way with the compliance of pertinent qualifications. But he has a job to do. Boxing is his passion and not politics. He would just be listening to his "alipores" whose only aim is to function him as a robot.

His promises are non-sense. Giving healthcare, education, etc. to his constituents. Enough of that. I've heard that for several times.

And what if he would be a congressman? Debates in the House of Representatives will like be a Mano-a-Mano Opposition vs. Pacquiao? When someone disagrees with him on issues, he might give a little bit of South Pow and a little bit of Right Hook punch. Automatically, the fight between the erring congressmen and Pacman will be a Technical Knock-out ! Will the Filipino people rejoice with him?

So Manny, my unsolicited advice to you is to stay away from politics. Remember, politics is dirty. It might be the realm of your weakness and it may even destroy your career as a boxer more popular than Jesus.

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posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua at 4:03:00 PM | aRtIcLe LiNk |