BREAKING NEWS ABOUT DVRMNHS SSG PRESIDENT KEVIN RAY N. CHUA: Kevin Ray N. Chua endorses the Kabataan Partylist this May 14, 2007 election! Spearheads campaign for lowering the voting age from 18 to 16!
Kevin Ray's Viewpoint
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Alstonishing Report
The report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions Philip Alston is very "alstonishing"! It has closely matched the government-sponsored Melo Report headed by the former Supreme Court Justice Jose Melo.

Finally, the alleged killings of several leftists and mediamen have been enlightened. Though, it's not a very comprehensive report, it has already gave an account on the military's role in perpetrating these killings.

After he ended his 10-day visit in the Philippines, he made a controversial report that made the faces of those in Malacañang and in the Armed Forces awful. He said to the media that the military was in a denial of these killings.

Armed Forces Chief Hermogenes Esperon said that Alston was in denial, though he was not. His report is based on the facts that he gathered from several persons allegedly involved and affected by the extrajudicial killings.

There's a possibility that the military is behind the killings of several leftists and mediamen because somebody ordered it. Whether it's a high-ranking official from the National Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and even in the local governments.

It's no secret anymore. Our country is the 2nd most dangerous place after Iraq. Iraq's reputation of being the most dangerous place is very well justified because of the ongoing war of U.S. President George Bush. But, c'mon. Philippines is not under a state of war! The government insists that we are on war against poverty, criminality, terrorism, etc. and not against our own deserving compatriots.

The Alston report is done. It will be delivered to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Thus, the UN will finally make a stand on whether to scold its non-abiding member or not. But of course, we don't want to be scolded by the UN, neither do I! We should solve these killings immediately so that we would not reach that point.

Mrs. Arroyo is not doing enough. Whether she's involve with these political killings or not, she should do something NOW! If she can't sincerely do it, the people would be curious. Let's see if she's really sincere in solving this crisis in her administration.

Another thing, this issue can also be a good point of argument for the Genuine Opposition (GO). The irresponsibility and insincerity of the Arroyo administration is evident in solving these political killings. It has been a long time that we are hounding this to our leaders and they're are only doing a magnified big (because it's small) action now because the world is watching them.

To the military and Mrs. Arroyo, my message to you: The world is watching on how you solve these political killings, and we are waiting. Abide by the findings of the Alston and Melo Report.

To those who want to read the entire text of the two reports, just visit this PDF link for the Melo Report and this PDF link or HTML link for the Alston Report.

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posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua at 4:04:00 PM | aRtIcLe LiNk |


  • At March 6, 2007 at 6:01 AM, Blogger mschumey07

    Gloria couldn't care less even if she runs this country to the ground. Its up to you kids to shape your destiny. We old folks seemed to have messed up. Stick to your ideals and principles, values can never be compromised. Sometimes swimming against the tide has its merits.